Ranma 1/2
Hi this is my Ranma 1/2 section, here you will find pics, links and a lot more.
Well what can we say about Ranma 1/2 ? this anime doesn't need presentation, cause it combines everything any good anime must have: romance, action and most of all humor. Ranma 1/2 is a thrilling anime where everything can happen.
Ranma 1/2 is about the way Ranma and Akane are engaged to each other in marriage by their loving fathers, and even though they seem to dislike they secretly love each other, but that's not the thing, the problem is that once in a training in China Ranma and his father Genma got a curse in which every time they are soaped with cold water Ranma turns into a beautiful red-haired girl and Genma into a funny giant panda.
Ranma (who happens to be a great martial artist) and Akane along with many other characters have a great time with this misfortune.
After they felt into the cursed lakes at Jusenkyo they return to Japan to engage Ranma to any daughter of Genma's life-time friend Soun Tendo (Akane´s father) but Akane isn't the only daughter of Soun there's also Nabiki a very cold girl and Kasumi the one who prepares the meals (Ranma & Genma always fight for the food) anyway Akane is the chosen one (thing they both disagree) but all starts there, after a while characters as shampoo (one of Ranma's 3 fiances, who tries to kill Ranma-chan but really loves Ranma-kun and turns into a cat, by the way Ranma hates cats) Ryoga ("the lost boy" who always tries to whoop Ranma's ass in order to get Akane's love, but that's not the only thing that Ryoga hates about Ranma but Ranma actually pushed Ryoga into a cursed lake, when he touches cold water he turns into this cute little black pig)There's also Mousse (who is one martial artist that uses magic tricks and figths Ranma to get Shampoo back but one problem is that he turns into a duck!) Kuno (the champion in what respects to kendo he is in love with Akane & Ranma-chan and yes you got it he hates Ranma) Ukio (this lovely girl that only cooks okonomiyakis and figths pretty well she loves Ranma and is his third fiancee) And of course Hapossai!!! (the old master of Genma and Soun he really loves panties).
Well it is impossible to name all the characters relatives and even pets(P-chan) but i can tell you that there's not an anime like Ranma. Ranma 1/2 is an Anime with a great universe or a universe transformed into Anime...
Ryujin Tendo.

